God desires for you to live a life overflowing with health, prosperity and peace. In fact, He wants you to receive and walk in all the promises in His word! It is God heart to remove shortage, lack, insufficiency and debt in your life.
As we look through the word of God, God is always declaring the promise to turn deserts into well water springs and dry places into overflowing brooks. In other words, God is declaring that he desires overflow. The Lord your God not only wants you to have the desire of your heart, He wants you to have those same desires in abundance….
Overflow means to spread beyond its limits. This is the will of God for your life. Spread beyond limits in your finances. When you give into the Kingdom of God, believe for an overflow harvest. When you trust God for peace in your relationships, believe for overflow. When you trust God to save a loved one, also believe Him to save your whole neighborhood. That’s overflow!
God doesn’t want you to live a life that’s average, mediocre or regular, no, He wants you to go beyond the limits. He wants you to be free from all barriers, limits and boundaries. In fact, God wants the whole world to know that He loves to bless you. Your great and awesome Father even makes a point to prepare a table in the presence of your enemies and anoints you so your cup Overflows! I believe you can have such overflow in your life that even your enemies will be at peace with you.
I want you to start thinking overflow in area of your life especially when it comes to the promises of God. Don’t limit God because God doesn’t limit you when it comes to his promises. Allow your life to experience God’s best. Remember, overflow causes you to fulfill God’s ultimate plan for your life, which is being blessed so that you can be a blessing! Its’ time for overflow!
Scripture References: Psalm 23:5, Isaiah 43:19,20, Ephesians 3:20